Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to know if the deficit pundits are about deficits or other things

Let's take a real look at this one. If you want to close the federal deficit please don't warn about Spain to Greece. They can't print money, the Federal Reserve can. Yes, it may cause inflation and it may be a bad idea not no we will never default because of lack of funds. We print the stuff remember. That said, we may default if the crazy people who tell you about Spain get control of the mess. Better question, are those people looking to cut the entire budget or just parts they don't like. For example, and this is just an example, say the EPA was 1% and the military was 99% and we had to cut 1% do these people cut from the EPA? Do they cut just from the EPA? Really folks, if you want to cut the deficit maybe you should cut from the areas where we spend the money. Hmmmm. Cutting can be very expensive. For example, we live longer in a very real way because of improvements in public health, water, sewers, etc. We also live longer because of medical research. Cutting NIH won't save money over 10 year it will cost us money. So, if you want to know who wants to cut the deficit and who wants to cut programs they don't like, follow the money, the real money, the place we spend money.

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