Sunday, July 17, 2011

just answer the question

OK folks, that seems easy. So why was it impossible to answer the question today: if it appears that News Corp has bribed officials at Scotland Yard or hacked phones and if that is a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act should the FBI investigate and prosecute? This is not a Republican or Democratic exclusive issue. Well, yes this one is but the bigger issue of answering simple questions put to politicians isn't. Answer the question, tell the truth and move on. If you do not think so, say that, if you do, say that. Even if you want to say that it is a question you do not want to answer because. . . . so that. Fine, don't be evasive. We do not want evasive. Got it?

10 questions for Rupert - more or less

There are so many arising from the New of the World scandal.

What did you know about this and when did you know it? Yes, I know that is really many questions but . . .
What do you now know about this?
Who is investigating for News Corp and is that investigation independent and well funded?
Will you make the results public since you said News Corp is cooperating?
If you are cooperating are you or News Corp.also funding Ms. Brooks legal and PR expenses?
Have you or News Corp investigated if this alleged bribing and hacking is or was going on at any other entity owned directly or indirectly by News Corp.?
What have these investigations uncovered and when?
Is it your plan to notify everyone who was hacked by News International and when will you do that?
Does News Corp have lists and details of hacking, dates, who, etc.?
Does News Corp have the hacked messages?
Were employees of Scotland Yard paid to provide information and/or to not investigate News of the Worlk?